INFOCITY - first Czech telephone information system with voice input and output (1998-2001)
The INFOCITY is a working prototype of a telephone information system based on speech dialogue between a user and a computer. In the recent version it offers four major information sections for city of Liberec: culture, sport, transport and others, as it is shown in figure above. The culture section gives an access to programs of cinemas, theaters, clubs, museums, galleries and other cultural establishments. To get the information about the program, the user must specify the place and the day (up to one week ahead). Information on current sport events is available in a similar way. The transport section handles inquiries on city transport (trams and buses, altogether 30 lines), on direct coach connections from Liberec to some 80 regional, interregional and international destinations and, on time tables of trains leaving Liberec station to 6 major directions. The other section offers information on opening times in public institutions, like the library and the swimming pool and also information on commercial and private institutions.
The system consists of several basic units:
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